"Let go and let God"
It's not so new-agey, really. Its roots are deep in Judeo-Christian teachings. The Bible is riddled with one story after another of God testing one's faith. We see numerous stories of people showing us how to let go and completely trust in God's ways. Abraham climbs a mountain to do the unimaginable - kill his son - all because God is testing his faith. Abraham trusts in God and is ultimately rewarded as his son's life is spared. Noah is asked to build a really big boat with very specific instructions…and he does it. Daniel is thrown into a lion's den, yet his faith in God saves him at the hands of an angel. I could go on and on right on through to Mary and Joseph, and ultimately Jesus.
We are no different from the characters of the Bible. We are ordinary people being called to faithfulness. This often comes in times of deep trial. We are called to completely let go of our earthly expectations of how a circumstance "should" unfold. Sometimes the outcomes are not good. Are we still faithful even when things don't go our way? We have to be. This is what God is asking of us. As the song goes, do you "praise him in the storm"? I would say that if you are in the beginning of a tumultuous time, or in the eye of the storm, or in the aftermath, you must praise Him all the time. You must praise God in all his infinite wisdom and glory, for He knows better than we.
As humans here on this earth, we can ONLY know true freedom when we give up ourselves to God's will. When we try to force our own will, we only end up frustrating ourselves and those around us. I was just telling my husband yesterday that I admittedly sometimes don't want to get myself to mass on Sunday. I'm too busy with my errands, or my cooking, or my laundry, or my exercising, or my … my … my. And then I go. I go to mass and sit their in the pew and feel happier than I ever have in all my life. Church is the happiest place on earth for me. It is a joy like no other. When I'm there, I'm pretty sure it is heaven on earth. My selfishness could have prevented me from enjoying that one hour of heaven. Letting go of my worries and giving them over to God is unimaginably freeing.
I will leave you with a clip from a Disney movie which I adore in its simplicity, and yet its very deep meaning. Let go and let God!