
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

As Halloween Approaches, Keep Your Eyes on the Lord

Growing up in and around the occult, I was acutely aware that evil lurked among us.  I'm not really sure why I knew that since the occult was kind of "my norm".  Perhaps God was speaking to me at a very young age and warning me of the potential door openings with this type of behavior.  I would like to think so...and I feel fortunate that I heard Him.

It wasn't  until I entered the Catholic faith and began doing research, that I realized just how many doors it can open.  As I looked back at familial situations and relationships, I realized there were dark forces at hand.  I'm sure there are people you have known that just don't feel trustworthy or there have been situations that you felt were being controlled by someone with a black heart. Your instincts were probably right.

I think these forces can have a role in someone's life if that person takes his/her eyes off of God and lives for the secular/material world.  Those forces can have a role in someone's life if that person even dabbles in the occult...just a little bit.  All of those seemingly harmless things like astrology, numerology, psychics, tarot cards, etc. are not actually harmless.  They are a door you don't want to open.

If you keep your eyes on God and work for the glory of God in all you do and with all your heart, mind, and soul, the darkness can not invade.  It will shrink because you are living in the light.  When it's night and you accidentally turn on a bright light, you are temporarily blinded are you not?  It is just so bright and then everything in the room is very clear.  God is just like that.  You will be able to clearly see the choices you need to make, roads you may have to take.  It can only be done correctly in the light.

I'm wondering how many of you are living for the glory of God?  Are you working for His glory?  Are you evangelizing?  Are you role-modeling?  Are you being a good friend, wife, husband, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, daughter, son, grandmother, or grandfather?  God calls each of us in different directions, but the right direction is always lit by His light.  Follow his path.  Listen intently, and He will not steer you wrong.  It is when we veer off the "Glory of God" road that we get into trouble.

There is a battle going on all around us for souls.  I often wonder if it's a bit like pulling back a sheer curtain to see EXACTLY what's on the other side.  I almost feel it's that close...just a sheer curtain.  Be mindful of all your actions and thoughts - especially during this time of year.  Halloween is not by any stretch of the imagination a Christian holiday!  Be prayerful.  Keep your eyes on the Lord.  Do all things for the Glory of God and in the name of Jesus Christ!  St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pro-Life Video for Sanctity of Life Sunday | The Miracle of Life

This is such a beautiful video. It just speaks volumes in such a short amount of time and with profound beauty. Babies are a GIFT FROM GOD! They are BLESSINGS! Enjoy!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Here's to Saying YES to LIFE!!!

In the early years of my marriage, I had thought that I would work in the pro-life arena at some point in the future.  I wasn't ready then.  I wasn't even sure I was 100% pro-life (you know, what about the whole rape issue?  or incest?).  Over time, fifteen years to be exact, my heart softened, my eyes were opened, and my ears heard God's calling.  Last year at this time is when I officially joined the pro-life movement as my parish's respect life coordinator.  I don't do anything unless I'm certain, and of this I was certain.

This is how the story goes...
Last September (2010) I was on facebook and noticed that Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Johnette Benkovic would be appearing together in Nebraska, I believe it was, for a pro-life something or other.  I commented on the posting something to the effect of "please please please come down here to South Florida!" I received a very nice email the next day from Fr. Mitch's marketing person inviting me to Florida's statewide Respect Life conference in October.  I sat in front of the computer speechless.  I sat and stared at the computer because I had said that when the time was right for me to get involved, God would let me know.  Well, I had just received a formal invitation.  I ran to tell my husband and he smiled and said, "you always said God would let you know when the time was right."

I had just attended my parish's women's Emmaus retreat in August, so I decided to send out an invitation to the women for the Respect Life Conference in October.  I received a beautiful email from one of the women saying that she had been officially in charge of the Respect Life ministry at our parish for several years, but had been unable to do anything with it other than her adoration group because of personal time constraints.  I didn't even know we had a ministry at church - never saw anything in the bulletins regarding pro-life work.  That had always bothered me, actually.  She asked if I would consider being the new coordinator for the parish.  I laughed as if I was being tickled.  It was just too invitation after another.  She said she had been praying for three years for a young mother to step forward and take over.  Too perfect!  I laughed, called her, and exuberantly said, "YES!" (with the pastor's approval of course)

Not long after, I was told that our parish had already volunteered itself as the host parish for the annual Walk for Life which would be occurring in January...and I was now in charge of it!  Well, at five months pregnant with our fourth child, I can tell you that it seemed like a daunting task.  It ended up being an amazingly beautiful morning with a mass, exposition of the Holy Eucharist, adoration for those who did not want to or could not walk, the walk (the pathway decorated with pink and blue balloons and color signs with photographs of a baby's growth in utero), procession with the Holy Eucharist, and Benediction.  It humbled me for sure.

There was a dark moment in November, however, when I became discouraged and thought it would be a disaster.  I had been praying about it for a week and was losing hope in its success.  One night, I sat down at our computer to fix a printer problem.  Long story short, I had to download software from the internet to fix the problem.  It was midnight and sitting in front of the computer, staring at the screen waiting for the download, I fell asleep three different times.  When the download was done, it prompted me to print something to see if it was working.  I went into my documents and looked for something short to print.  I couldn't see the actual words as the icons were too small, but I saw a page with what looked like one sentence on it.  I actually laughed out loud, in my exhaustion stupor, at the idiot who would save a one sentence document.  Anyway, it would be used to my advantage that night.  I hit print, sat down and closed my eyes again.  I opened them again about fifteen minutes later (another short nap), pulled out the paper and read the sentence.  It read, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (I later found out this had been one of my oldest son's school projects from two years prior.)

I fell back in my chair and stared at that paper reading it over and it was the same message I had received in my Emmaus retreat a few months earlier.  I swear!  On the last day of the retreat, we picked our seat.  Each seat had a placemat facedown. We were asked to turn it over and read the scripture passage.  This had been mine.  I had been feeling unjustly persecuted by my family at the time of my retreat and it brought me to tears.  As I sat there that night in front of my computer with my printout in my hand with the same scripture passage, I was overwhelmed with God's mercy and love.  I had been feeling so overwhelmed with the planning of the walk and not getting much help as my ministry was a ministry of one.  God does work in mysterious ways, but sometimes He is like a 2x4 to the head.  Jesus would be with me on that walk, planning and all.

Mary had led me to Jesus during my conversion to Catholicism, Mary had led me to motherhood all those years ago in my early teaching days with the Carmelite sisters, my motherhood led me to the road to Emmaus where I finally encountered Christ face to face.  He had always been there.  He was now reassuring me He would continue to be here.  I would persevere for Him, for God's kingdom...for God's children.  Here's to saying YES to LIFE!!!

Here are some photos from the fruits of that labor...the Walk for Life January 2011:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Respect Life Month and Being Called to Be Faithful, Not Successful

I've been wanting to write about Respect Life month, but have been finding it difficult to sit myself down to do this.  I know why.  I'm frustrated with the small amount of support on this topic from "the higher ups".  I don't know why this topic can be so taboo for even priests.  Without families and children, the Church will cease to exist.  They should be the champions for life.  They should be professing it everyday.  They should be encouraging our Catholic families every way they can.  I don't feel it.  On Respect Life Sunday last week, not one homily at my parish had anything to do with the topic.  Missed opportunity?  To quote Sarah Palin, "You betcha!"

Could I have done more to ready my parish for Respect Life month?  Absolutely.  For example, I found out late about the Life Chain many parishes participate in each year.  Perhaps our little parish can be a part of that next year.  I will have to begin promoting it in September.  Perhaps we can have our own Walk for Life and not have to go to another parish for it?  We'll see.  We were the hosting parish this past January, but this upcoming January's walk will be at a different parish.  Perhaps next year I would be allowed to speak for a minute at all the masses about Respect Life month - especially since it isn't even mentioned in the homilies.  The bulletin inserts from the USCCB that should have gone into all the bulletins this month, won't be there.  It was decided they would be better off as a packet at the back of the Church on a small table for those who are interested to pick up.  sigh...

I know I'm not called to be successful.  I'm called to be faithful.  I am trying.  I trust in God's plan.  I know that this is where I'm supposed to be right now.  I know this is where my parish is supposed to be right now.  Good things will spring from this, and God will show me the way.  God will show our parish the way.  Perhaps these are all just growing pains.  I will continue to plug along and champion for life whenever and wherever.  If you are involved in your parish's respect life ministry I'd love to hear your ideas.