"Sara" was released a couple years later in 1979 on their album, "Tusk", and "Sara" became my favorite Fleetwood Mac song…but I wondered about the lyrics. I remember my father telling me that the band members were kind of all dating each other and it wasn't really working out. That was a lot for my child brain to wrap around. Of course, children see the world so simply. In years since, I have come to find out that Stevie Nicks has struggled with a heroine addiction, has had an abortion, has had failed relationships, and on and on. Will celebrities ever really be able to put fame in its place? It always seems to have a stranglehold on its victims.
Pro-lifers have long been speaking about, writing about, marching about, and shouting about the horrendous side-effects associated with abortions. Addiction, depression, suicide, failed relationships, miscarriages, infertility, breast cancer, a life of regret, and various other internal physical problems - including death - these are the side effects that we are legally bestowing on the maternal life-givers of our society. This is what we are encouraging women to do to themselves…and their babies. Yes, that's right. We are encouraging this. Millions of women have suffered through this barbaric, torturous, and deathly experience, and most suffer in silence for a lifetime.
I don't know what Stevie Nicks truly feels about her experience, as I am not in her heart. Only God knows what is in her heart. I can tell you that writing a song about the baby she killed is not just a ditty about a blob of cells. The "pro-choice" camp will tell you that it is, and that every woman has the right to expel that blob. Sadly, they just don't see the whole picture. They are seeing the trees and not the forest. This is such a bigger matter than a medical procedure. Stevie Nicks wrote a song about her baby girl, "Sara". Every time she sang that song - every performance she ever gave - she thought of her baby and the death of her baby at hers and Don's own hands. Clearly it was a "choice" she has lamented all these 35 years.
I had read somewhere else (I can't remember where) that she was surprised at Don Henley's sort of indifferent reaction to her decision. I think that was the hardest part for me to read. This is an all too familiar scenario for women and their "choice" to abort. Of course, we have heard of the heinous crimes men have committed against women literally dragging them to abortion clinics or forcing abortifacient drugs on them. We don't hear the millions of stories of women who kill their babies because their lover, boyfriend, or husband simply is indifferent …leading the woman to believe she will have no help in raising this beautiful gift from God and sending her into disparity and a "choice" that will have deathly results and lifelong harm for her. No, we don't hear those stories. This is profoundly sad. These women whisper everyday in their cavernous wounds of regret.
Stevie Nicks grieved, and she is probably still grieving for Sara. I am grieving for Sara today. I am grieving for Stevie and Don. I pray that baby Sara is praying for her parents to grow closer to our Lord and live in His light - not the limelight. I am so happy for Stevie that she decided to publicly disclose this very personal piece of information. It puts a very public face on the dark private world of the abortion business. It is bleak, smarmy, dirty, deathly, at times covert, and always evil. It has touched the lives of millions of women and men and robbed 56 million people of their lives. Sara is a precious gem in God's eyes. She is also - painfully for me to say - common….for she is one in 56 million. Pray for women around the world every day that they will make the right choice ~ that they will say YES TO LIFE!
If you or someone you know has had an abortion and needs help or has worked in the abortion industry and now regrets it, please know there is help.
Project Rachel/Hope After Abortion : http://hopeafterabortion.com
Silent No More : http://www.silentnomoreawareness.org/index.aspx
Rachel's Vineyard : http://www.rachelsvineyard.org
And Then There Were None : http://www.attwn.org
There are other organizations. You can search "post abortion counseling".
These are the lyrics to "Sara":
Wait a minute baby
Stay with me awhile
Said you'd give me light
But you never told me about the fire
Drowning in the sea of love
Where everyone would love to drown
But now it's gone
It doesn't matter what for
When you build your house
Then call me home
And he was just like a great dark wing
Within the wings of a storm
I think I had met my match, he was singing
And undoing, and undoing the laces
Undoing the laces
Said Sara, you're the poet in my heart
Never change, never stop
But now it's gone
It doesn't matter what for
But when you build your house
Then call me home
Hold on
The night is coming and the starling flew for days
I'd stay home at night, all the time
I'd go anywhere, anywhere, anywhere
Ask me and I'm there, yeah
Ask me and I'm there, I care
In the sea of love
Where everyone would love to drown
But now it's gone
They say it doesn't matter anymore
When you build your house
Then please call me home
Sara, you're the poet in my heart
Never change, and don't you ever stop
Now it's gone
No it doesn't matter anymore
When you build your house
I'll come by