
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

As Halloween Approaches, Keep Your Eyes on the Lord

Growing up in and around the occult, I was acutely aware that evil lurked among us.  I'm not really sure why I knew that since the occult was kind of "my norm".  Perhaps God was speaking to me at a very young age and warning me of the potential door openings with this type of behavior.  I would like to think so...and I feel fortunate that I heard Him.

It wasn't  until I entered the Catholic faith and began doing research, that I realized just how many doors it can open.  As I looked back at familial situations and relationships, I realized there were dark forces at hand.  I'm sure there are people you have known that just don't feel trustworthy or there have been situations that you felt were being controlled by someone with a black heart. Your instincts were probably right.

I think these forces can have a role in someone's life if that person takes his/her eyes off of God and lives for the secular/material world.  Those forces can have a role in someone's life if that person even dabbles in the occult...just a little bit.  All of those seemingly harmless things like astrology, numerology, psychics, tarot cards, etc. are not actually harmless.  They are a door you don't want to open.

If you keep your eyes on God and work for the glory of God in all you do and with all your heart, mind, and soul, the darkness can not invade.  It will shrink because you are living in the light.  When it's night and you accidentally turn on a bright light, you are temporarily blinded are you not?  It is just so bright and then everything in the room is very clear.  God is just like that.  You will be able to clearly see the choices you need to make, roads you may have to take.  It can only be done correctly in the light.

I'm wondering how many of you are living for the glory of God?  Are you working for His glory?  Are you evangelizing?  Are you role-modeling?  Are you being a good friend, wife, husband, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, daughter, son, grandmother, or grandfather?  God calls each of us in different directions, but the right direction is always lit by His light.  Follow his path.  Listen intently, and He will not steer you wrong.  It is when we veer off the "Glory of God" road that we get into trouble.

There is a battle going on all around us for souls.  I often wonder if it's a bit like pulling back a sheer curtain to see EXACTLY what's on the other side.  I almost feel it's that close...just a sheer curtain.  Be mindful of all your actions and thoughts - especially during this time of year.  Halloween is not by any stretch of the imagination a Christian holiday!  Be prayerful.  Keep your eyes on the Lord.  Do all things for the Glory of God and in the name of Jesus Christ!  St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle!

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