
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Respect Life Month and Being Called to Be Faithful, Not Successful

I've been wanting to write about Respect Life month, but have been finding it difficult to sit myself down to do this.  I know why.  I'm frustrated with the small amount of support on this topic from "the higher ups".  I don't know why this topic can be so taboo for even priests.  Without families and children, the Church will cease to exist.  They should be the champions for life.  They should be professing it everyday.  They should be encouraging our Catholic families every way they can.  I don't feel it.  On Respect Life Sunday last week, not one homily at my parish had anything to do with the topic.  Missed opportunity?  To quote Sarah Palin, "You betcha!"

Could I have done more to ready my parish for Respect Life month?  Absolutely.  For example, I found out late about the Life Chain many parishes participate in each year.  Perhaps our little parish can be a part of that next year.  I will have to begin promoting it in September.  Perhaps we can have our own Walk for Life and not have to go to another parish for it?  We'll see.  We were the hosting parish this past January, but this upcoming January's walk will be at a different parish.  Perhaps next year I would be allowed to speak for a minute at all the masses about Respect Life month - especially since it isn't even mentioned in the homilies.  The bulletin inserts from the USCCB that should have gone into all the bulletins this month, won't be there.  It was decided they would be better off as a packet at the back of the Church on a small table for those who are interested to pick up.  sigh...

I know I'm not called to be successful.  I'm called to be faithful.  I am trying.  I trust in God's plan.  I know that this is where I'm supposed to be right now.  I know this is where my parish is supposed to be right now.  Good things will spring from this, and God will show me the way.  God will show our parish the way.  Perhaps these are all just growing pains.  I will continue to plug along and champion for life whenever and wherever.  If you are involved in your parish's respect life ministry I'd love to hear your ideas.

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