
Thursday, February 9, 2012

HHS Mandate Attacks the Belly of the Church, Literally!

A few people have asked me recently why Obama would pick such a gigantic fight with the Catholic Church...right now...before an election.  I'm supposing he felt he needed to rally his super-left, as he knows the American population can't stand him and he fears being a "one-term wonder".  However, his decision baffles even me.

Is it purely evil at its core?  Am I crazy to think this?  Have I gone off the right wing slide into the great abyss of frenzied "Christians"?  I don't know, but I don't think so.  Let me point out just a few objective facts.

God chose to come to the world to save His people in the form of a baby to the womb of an unwed teenage girl.
Mary said yes to LIFE and our lives were changed forever.  Our world was changed forever.
Satan ultimately desires the destruction of Christ, his Church, his teachings...his followers.
Satan attacks Christ in the belly of other young mothers in the form of abortion, sterilization, and contraception (which itself can cause spontaneous abortion).
Satan has attacked this great nation under God through women's wombs - he is destroying the family unit...violence, murder, death, despair, defeat, depression, physical and mental abuse.
Satan knows the leader of the free world is already not Christian - he's half in the bag, so to speak.
President Obama chose a Catholic as his Vice President.
President Obama chose a Catholic as the head of Health and Human Services - the agency in charge of spearheading contraceptive issues (under the guise of helping the poor).
President Obama has a powerful Catholic friend in Congress - former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
All three of those Catholics are marginal Catholics at best - the last two should be excommunicated in my opinion.
President Obama passed Obamacare so quickly that no one even had time to read it - how that happened still baffles me.
President Obama issues this mandate ordering all employers offer free contraception, sterilization, and the morning after pill - regardless of religious principles.
President Obama and Kathleen Sebelius attack the fundamental core beliefs of the Catholic Church - they are going for the belly.
If the Church is the bride of Jesus, Satan is attacking the bride in the belly...the womb.  What greater way to inflict more destruction on the American family than mandated violence on women and their life-giving wombs?
Satan is using Obama and Kathleen Sebelius.

We Americans cannot allow the wool to be pulled over our eyes.  ALL of us must stand up against this mandate. It is evil at its core.  I believe President Obama's agenda all along was to try to topple the Church.  He wants a socialistic non-religious society.  He knew fair well what he was doing choosing Biden as his running mate and Sebelius as the head of HHS.  He chose well.  He chose marginal Catholics to do his dirty work and put it under the veil of "well, all Catholics feel this way."  Not so, President Obama, not so.  We will fight you and we will win.  Jesus always wins.

Today, EWTN announced they are the first Catholic entity to sue the US government over this issue.  Sign the petition:
EWTN Sues Govt. to Stop Contraception

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